Our Mission
TouchPoint Alaska Ministries is a non-denominational Christian ministry whose goal is to serve God by providing biblically based education, support, activities, and events for adults, children, and families. Our goal is to teach and equip the body of Christ to be active, fruitful, and a blessing in our communities in Alaska.
Our Beliefs
October 2020
Our beginning! TouchPoint starts during COVID-19 to provide weekly "touch points" via Zoom. One-on-one and group touch points.
March 2022
Added weekly adult discipleship groups that met in person. Meeting in personal homes was not always possible, so the hunt begins for a permanent home.
May 2022
TouchPoint begins hosting adult discipleship groups at 212 Bennett Street.
October 2022
TouchPoint incorporates as a non-profit religious organization in the State of Alaska.
December 2022
Due diligence takes lots of time! Identifying and clearing challenges one by one.
December 2023
Founders Richard & Georgianna Buhler team up with new partners and board members, Jim Freeman & Karen Freeman, to secure and purchase 212 Bennett Street, Wrangell, Alaska!
January 2024
Rehabilitating and restoring the aging facility begins!